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HPS360 - The True Edge In Personality
Product Information

HEXACO Personality Scan™ (HPS360) Product Info

Personality represents an individual’s typical or preferred tendencies to behave, think, or feel. Personality is a key driver of people’s interactions, behaviours, and emotions, and it tends to be fairly stable throughout a person’s lifespan. Everyone’s personality is unique to them, but we can use personality frameworks, such as the…
January 25, 2018
CBS360 - The True Edge In Behaviour
Product Information

Circumplex Behaviour Scan 360™ (CBS360) Product Info

Behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand their strengths and weaknesses, which allows them to develop strategies to meet the demands of their environment. The Circumplex Behaviour Scan 360° (CBS360) is an evidence-based interpersonal circumplex tool that scientifically measures the full range of interpersonal behaviours,…
January 25, 2018
CLS360 - The True Edge In Leadership
Product Information

Circumplex Leadership Scan 360™ (CLS360) Product Info

Are your leaders looking to enhance their effectiveness? The Circumplex Leadership Scan 360° (CLS360) is the first evidence-based interpersonal circumplex leadership tool that scientifically measures the full range of interpersonal leadership behaviours, providing insight into a leader’s unique ability to influence others. This insight empowers the leader to create measureable…
January 25, 2018
future leaders

Future Leaders – Developing Leaders Through Behaviour Feedback

Presentation at the AITD Annual National Conference, Sydney Avant Insurance Limited recognises leadership as critical to creating a culture that achieves its business results and long-term organisational sustainability. With the goal of building leadership capability, Avant has implemented an innovative and comprehensive leadership programme.  To provide leaders with specific actionable…
November 21, 2017