Personality represents an individual’s typical or preferred tendencies to behave, think, or feel. Personality is a key driver of people’s interactions, behaviours, and emotions, and it tends to be fairly stable throughout a person’s lifespan. Everyone’s personality is unique to them, but we can use personality frameworks, such as the HEXACO model used in the HEXACO Personality Scan 360° (HPS360), as a basis from which to describe people’s personality traits.
Early research on personality revealed that certain aspects of personality demonstrate relationships with important outcomes such as school performance, health and well-being, relationships, career choice, and job performance. Research has revealed that personality differences between people are two-thirds due to genetic differences and not at all due to upbringing environment differences. More recently, however, personality researchers have been focusing on how people’s personalities interact with elements of their working environment to predict specific work outcomes. From this research, it has become apparent that certain personality traits can help a person thrive in some settings but struggle in others.
Though we are often aware of our own personalities, we are sometimes not aware of how our personality can affect others around us. The value in learning about your own personality is that it can inform you about the situations where your preferred behavioural style will prove to be a boon for you and when it might become ahindrance.
Understanding the various aspects of your personality can influence how you behave, react, and engage with others in the workplace, which in turn has an impact on overall effectiveness at the individual, team, and organisational level.
Your HPS360 report provides feedback on your personality. It accurately measures how you see your personality as well as how others see your personality in both a work context and a personal context. Feedback from observers or ‘raters,’ such as your higherlevel manager, direct reports, peers, internal customers, family, and friends – that is 360° feedback – provides a clear picture of how others experience your personality.
This information will help you better understand your personality, how you impact others, and how to leverage your strengths. It will also help you identify areas for development to ultimately increase your effectiveness