Team members tend to compete with each other for attention and prestige; they strive for opportunities to distinguish themselves and advance their own careers.
Team members tend to forcefully struggle among themselves for power and dominance; they sometimes undercut, belittle, and bully each other to get their way.
Team members tend to ignore or avoid each other; they may avoid contributing because they doubt their contributions would be positively received.
Team members tend to anxiously avoid appearing assertive and ambitious; they prefer to remain inconspicuous and follow the lead of others.
Team members tend to act boldly, decisively, and fearlessly; they are comfortable being assertive and taking charge.
Team members tend to welcome opportunities to interact and communicate with each other; they are involved and eager to share their perspectives.
Team members tend to support and care for each other; they are mindful not to behave in ways that other members might consider boastful or annoying.
Team members tend to be very conflict-avoidant; they are careful not to say or do anything that might provoke controversy or negative attention.